Giddy Up! Del Mar Opening Day Shenanigans
In typical WCW fashion i'm late at posting this. Laziness, humidity, Prosecco and summer happened making me useless, but Del Mar Opening Day took place a couple weeks ago. The event was on a Friday this year and despite all the anticipation and fanfare, it came and went as quickly and as sloppily as Trevor the aspiring singer i met in Rosarito (this was pre WCW days hubby if your reading this. OBVI!). This is truly one of my favorite events of the year for a multitude of silly reasons: I love to dress up, I love to drink, and i love watching hot messes. Luckily we had access to The Turf Club. I guess i shouldn't say "luckily" since on most days Turf Club is a high end members only joint with uppity San Diegans in their seer suckers and their Tori Burch sweater sets but on Opening Day it had basically reduced itself to the vibe of a jam packed Vegas night club filled with middle aged Real Housewives look alikes.
This fancy shit show is probably one of the best people watching events of the year. For woman It's not only about big hats and fancy fascinators. Skimpy cocktail attire and stillettos are the uniform of choice. This year Valentino Rockstud pumps with Self Portrait style laced bodycon dreses were on heavy rotation as well as freshly inflated Juvederm pouts and cougars with obscene cleavage. On a side note i just learned that if you are a lady age 50 plus you have graduated from cougar to sabre tooth tiger. That is just offensive. Back on topic....The men. For once, here is an event where men actually participate in dressing up and wear their best suits or their Hamptons inspired finery. Think of Lord Scott Dissick but a couple divorces deep and amidst a mid-life crisis.
Yes, one of those photos is in the ladies room. And yes i am a shady hoe for snapping these unassuming pictures, but seriously NO judgement ladies! Rock on with yo' bad self. Anyone who knows me knows i'm a fan of dressing way out of my age group (and body type). Bikini and heels anyone??
We also got the hook up to the official after-party at L' Auberge Hotel and Spa. The debauchery continued and the people watching DID NOT disappoint. No one was safe from the predatory stares of middle aged men with exposed chest hair and wedding band tan lines or the newly divorced cougar who was five Chardonnays deep and ready to "get hers". It was straight up BOLD the stares Hubby would get from those salivating sabre tooth tigers whilst me on his arm. Y'all may not know this, but i will cut a bitch.
Let the hunting begin...
Middle aged men behaving badly
Del Mar Opening Day you never fail. i'll be counting the days till next year!